Completed Projects

Expanded Bicycle Parking at Base of Pier 2024

The City of San Clemente identified the need for more bicycle parking at the crossroads of the beach trail and the Pier. Ocean-themed bike racks, drought tolerant coastal plantings and better signage are included in the funded project.

Bird-Deterrent Netting 2023

The City of San Clemente requested PierPride’s help to fund the replacement of bird deterrent netting on the undercarriage of the Pier from the shore to Tower Zero —the surf zone. Bird netting has helped improve the Pier’s “Heal The Bay” Scores by humanely reducing bird-related bacteria. The Pier was a “Beach Bummer” in 2016 with a grade of F. This year the Pier scored an A+ from “Heal The Bay.” PierPride was pleased to make this environmental initiative a reality.

Snack Shack Make-Over 2022

The iconic Pier Snack Shack is now a shining destination at the end of the Pier. In partnership with the City of San Clemente, a major face-lift included expanded outdoor dining, a fresh facade, public art and other improvements . Thanks to generous support from all corners of the community. A shout-out to South Coast Lighting and Design and San Clemente Sunrise Rotary for 24/7 lighting of the American flag, Eileen Kawas and the Hong/Buscemi Family for the murals, Martin Schwartz & Suzanne Redmond Schwartz for the amazing weather vane, and our returning platinum sponsors Andrew & Lori Donchak, Eileen Kawas, Sonance, San Clemente Journal and Rainbow Sandals Foundation. Check out the plaque on the shack to see the many supporters for this project. The County of Orange and State of CA also deserve a salute.

Holiday Lights 2021

2021 marks a new holiday tradition at San Clemente Pier. Thanks to your donations, an upgraded electrical system will allow the City to line the Pier perimeter with the glow of soft LED lights this holiday season. Special thanks to the Francis P. Chiaramonte, MD Family Foundation and our friends at the County of Orange for truly lighting the future of the Pier.

New Restrooms on the Pier 2020

In partnership with the City, PierPride raised funds to refurbish the Pier restrooms. Included are a water fountain/bottle refill station (Pat Blanford), new skylights (Allen Ergo and Maureen Shea, Bob and Marilyn Harnar), whimsical public art (Eileen Kawas) and exterior light fixtures (Andrew and Lori Donchak). Thanks to RSM Design of San Clemente who donated time and inspiration to design this project.

Fishing Line Recycling Canisters 2019

San Clemente Pier is categorized as both a fishing and pleasure pier by the state of California. The Pier attracts hundreds of fishing folks daily (bonito, yellowfin, seabass, croaker and an occasional shark are common catch). Fishing Line can entangle and kill wildlife and cause boat damage. It’s not biodegradable and can remain in the environment over 600 years according to the CA division of Boating and Wildlife. PierPride worked closely with USBOAT to create five canisters to dispose used fishing line. PierPride thanks Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching who hosted a Cruise into History during 2018 PierPride month to raise funds for this environmentally important project.

Educational Signs 2018

Iconic San Clemente Pier is a destination for over 2 million people each year, many of who come to see the unique views of the Pacific Ocean and surrounding areas. To enhance the experience, there are educational signs on the Pier. Unfortunately, over the years these signs have become worn and in many cases vandalized. PierPride is proud to be replacing these signs. Thanks to the generosity of PSI (Public Safety Industries) a local San Clemente sign designer and fabricator, new signs were installed May 2019. Our proud sponsors include: Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens (sponsoring the Casa Romantica sign), The Kirk Steele Family (sponsoring Dolphins,) Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching (sponsoring Whales), Ocean Festival (sponsoring Seagulls and Pelicans), The San Clemente Rotary Club (sponsoring Seal Rock and Cotton’s Point), Catalina Express (sponsoring San Clemente Island and Catalina Island), and an anonymous donor (sponsoring West Reef and Dana Headlands).

Pier Painting 2017

For decades, motivated groups of local volunteers have dedicated a day to painting the Pier.  With limited time and money, these paint jobs did not include prepping and used readily available paint.  The result:  the Pier needed to be repainted every 6 to 10 months. PierPride’s first project was to have the Pier painted professionally—and have it last 6 years instead of 6 months.  In the Spring 2017, work began on the first professional painting of the Pier in memory. The cost of this mammoth undertaking included $20,000 of marine grade epoxy paint.  Used on the U.S.S. Midway floating museum, the aircraft carrier's paint has lasted over 10 years and is still going strong. PierPride appreciates the dedication of contracting group, Ed Stewart and Associates, who successfully completed this ambitious project for the city of San Clemente. 

Completed Projects